Adrenal fatigue or failure is caused by problems with your adrenal glands. These glands are activated by stress signals and help your body cope with the physical, mental, and emotional needs of a stressful situation.
Adrenal glands release hormones that regulate energy function, heart rate, your immune system, your muscle tone, and other processes in your body. They also help people handle both emotional and physical stress — whether someone has to work long hours for a job or is coping with a death in the family. Adrenal fatigue occurs when your adrenal glands cannot respond to the levels of stress in your life.
Adrenal glands release a variety of chemicals and hormones that balance the body and keep it moving. These hormones can help the immune system, heart rate, muscle tone, energy production, and other stress factors. Adrenal fatigue is often caused by overuse, meaning the glands have to produce more than they can handle. This occurs after a major stress occurrence (like a severe shock) or by long-term stress exposure over time.
Most people will experience adrenal fatigue at some point in their lives; however, there are certain factors that can increase the reaction to adrenal fatigue or speed up the process. These include poor diet and lifestyle choices, chronic illnesses, and emotional trauma or prolonged mental stress.
Unfortunately, it can be hard to diagnose. There aren’t severe physical symptoms that let our minds know our bodies are struggling, like experiencing a panic attack or a rash.
Typically, patients will have a hard time waking up and functioning throughout the day. They may need stimulants like coffee to keep going or require multiple naps. However long a patient with adrenal fatigue rests, they will not be able to regain their strength and emotional well-being.
This condition is caused by periods of prolonged stress — either physical, mental, or both. Patients who suffer from infections like influenza or pneumonia may experience adrenal fatigue, or it could be triggered by other hormone disorders.
Adrenal fatigue is not relieved by sleep. It stays with patients, giving them feelings of prolonged tiredness and unwellness. Patients with adrenal fatigue may only be able to function for a few hours per day or not be able to get out of bed at all. Because the problem is hormone related, traditional rest and relaxation methods often aren’t enough to treat patients.
Anyone can suffer from it, regardless of their gender, age, or lifestyle. Something traumatic like a car crash can trigger adrenal fatigue as people try to build back their physical strength and mental health. An illness or life crisis can stop the adrenal gland from producing hormones that give you energy. This imbalance of hormones will continue until the adrenal gland is functioning again.
Many people do not realize that they have adrenal fatigue and instead think they continue to lack energy in the wake of their illness or are struggling to recover from mental stress. However, while adrenal fatigue is triggered by these physical and mental conditions, it is not a side effect. It is its own problem that needs to be treated as a separate entity.
Some doctors estimate that 16% of the population has severe adrenal fatigue. However, it could be present in as high as 66% of the general population. Severity levels vary from person to person, especially depending on the stress levels or illnesses that cause it. This means it may take some people longer to recognize the symptoms until their adrenal fatigue becomes severe.
Adrenal fatigue is caused by periods of prolonged stress — either physical, mental, or both. Patients who suffer from infections like influenza or pneumonia may experience adrenal fatigue, or it could be triggered by other hormone disorders.
It is not relieved by sleep. It stays with patients, giving them feelings of prolonged tiredness and unwellness. Patients may only be able to function for a few hours per day or not be able to get out of bed at all. Because the problem is hormone-related, traditional rest and relaxation methods often aren’t enough to treat patients.
Anyone can suffer from it, regardless of their gender, age, or lifestyle. Something traumatic like a car crash can trigger it as people try to build back their physical strength and mental health. An illness or life crisis can stop the adrenal gland from producing hormones that give you energy. This imbalance of hormones will continue until the adrenal gland is functioning again.
Treatment isn’t easy and requires communication and planning between patients and their physicians. Patients need to be open about their personal lives and willing to take steps to improve their overall health. These lifestyle changes, along with hormone therapy, can reduce adrenal fatigue and help the body cope with stressful situations more effectively. There are multiple processes involved in the adrenal fatigue recovery process.
First, physicians work with their patients to understand the cause (or causes) or adrenal stress. Are there physical factors limiting the patient? Do they suffer from an emotional burden?
Once these elements are identified, treatment can begin. Most physicians will work with patients to treat their adrenal fatigue with a variety of hormone replacement or generation processes. Each treatment plan varies by patient, along with the length of time required for therapy and the overall results.
The professionals at Matrix Hormones understand the challenges of helping patients who struggle with this condition. We work closely with all of our patients to target their specific needs, identify potential problems, and come up with a plan for a better, healthier future.