The Thyroid is a gland at the front of your neck that produces multiple hormones that regulate your body’s performance. There are three particular hormones that your thyroid produces: triiodothyronine (T3), thyroxine (T4) and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH).
Your thyroid works to balance these hormones with the needs of your body, producing more of one or less of the other depending on its various needs. Unfortunately, your thyroid doesn’t always get the recipe right. Hypothyroidism occurs from an underactive thyroid.
It’s common for both women and men to experience problems with this part of the body. Consequently, thyroid hormone replacement may be necessary.
Changes in your lifestyle, as well as changes to your body as you age, affect the hormones produced by your thyroid.
Individuals who are worried about their thyroid performance can take a variety of tests to determine the health of this particular gland. These tests will show whether or not you are currently experiencing hypothyroidism and provide insights into the best way to treat it.
Hypothyroidism is more common than you might think. Millions of people suffer from the condition, likely caused by the liver, the actual thyroid, or the hormone-producing cells. Often, patients don’t realize that they suffer from hypothyroidism until they notice a variety of symptoms and seek treatment. A few common symptoms include:
- Fatigue or depression
- Lack of motivation
- Constipation
- Memory Loss
- Headaches and moodiness
- Cold hands and feet or a cold intolerance
- Unexplained weight gain or inability to lose weight
- Hair loss
- Brittle hair and nails
- Muscle aches and weakness
- Heavy menstrual periods or changes in menstrual cycles
These are a few common symptoms that most people experience with hypothyroidism. You may experience multiple symptoms, or only one or two, before you see help for your condition. If you suspect that you might have hypothyroidism, there are multiple tests to determine whether or not your hormone levels are off. These tests can show where your hormones are lacking and what corrections need to be made.
Men and women of all walks of life suffer from low thyroid hormones though they may not realize it. In some cases, the symptoms are small enough that people overlook them as unimportant or related to another problem.
Even those who seek treatment might not get comprehensive results. Many tests for low thyroid levels are out-of-date and insufficient with our current knowledge. Despite an announcement in 2002 by the Society of Endocrinologists that many thyroid tests are inaccurate, many labs haven’t contacted patients for updated testing for better, more accurate results.
It’s important to work with professionals that have specialty training like the physicians at Matrix Hormones. We provide up-to-date testing to measure your thyroid levels. Not only is our staff able to correctly diagnose Hypothyroidism, they can also identify smaller side effects that could slow you down without realizing it. This will help you accurately know whether you suffer from thyroid imbalance and if you need to take steps to correct it.
The goal of thyroid hormone replacement therapy is to regain the delicate balance between the T3 and T4 hormones. Patients will either receive treatment to boost their hormone production or follow a plan to supplement their bodies with the hormones their thyroid won’t create. Each treatment plan varies by the patient’s needs.
If you suspect that you suffer from hypothyroidism or were recently diagnosed with the condition, contact Matrix Hormones today.
If you suffer from hypothyroidism or other hormone imbalances, we can help. Our professionals at Matrix Hormones work closely with all of our customers to determine exactly where your hormone imbalance comes from and how it can be improved. With unique health plans and dedicated care, you can return your hormones to their normal levels and get back to normal activity and energy levels that you enjoy.
Matrix Hormones is here to guide you in the right direction.